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sábado, 2 de diciembre de 2017

Cómo perder 100 libras en 2 semanas

Estudios recientes muestran que ha habido un mayor aumento en el número de estadounidenses obsesionados en comparación con los últimos 50 años. El estilo de vida agitado junto con el estrés es la razón principal. La falta de un estilo de vida activo y una alimentación poco saludable empeoran aún más. Las personas obesas tienen un mayor riesgo de enfermedades del corazón, presión arterial alta, niveles de colesterol, hipertensión, cáncer, artritis, apnea del sueño, derrames cerebrales, daño cerebral y diabetes.
Aparte de esto, las personas obesas también tienen baja autoestima y problemas de apariencia. Las personas los ven como individuos infelices, insalubres, cansados, enfermos o perezosos, la mayoría de las veces. La pérdida de peso y la forma son sus ansias de sueño, que sienten que aumentará su autoestima, induce el factor de sentirse bien y mejora sus apariencias, además de hacerlos saludables.
¿Eres una de esas personas con sobrepeso de las que estoy hablando? ¿Desea desesperadamente perder su peso extra y cumplir sus sueños? ¡Deshazte de esas 100 libras adicionales en solo dos semanas! ¿Es eso posible? La respuesta es sí. Hay muchas historias de éxito en la pérdida de peso de personas de todo el mundo. Entonces, ¿por qué no probarlo usted mismo y comenzar a buscar y sentirse bien en un par de semanas? Todo lo que se necesita es un poco de conocimiento y una buena cantidad de trabajo duro de su parte. Aquí estamos para ayudarte con esto. ¡Siga estas simples técnicas a continuación, y pierda 100 libras en dos semanas a partir de hoy!
En primer lugar, me gustaría ser franco con usted. Perder 100 libras no es una broma. No puedes tomar 100 libras por sentado. Es un objetivo masivo que requiere una gran cantidad de trabajo duro y determinación.
La confianza en uno mismo juega un papel clave en la consecución de su objetivo, ya que es necesario para crear en usted la mentalidad correcta. La confianza deriva su fortaleza de los éxitos pasados, ya sea propios o ajenos. Por lo tanto, me gustaría informarle sobre Rob, quien en 1990 pesó 475 libras. En menos de dos años y medio, pudo deshacerse de casi 300 libras. No vamos a hacer que te esfuerces tanto. Tenga confianza, lo hará en solo 2 semanas a partir de ahora.
La actitud mental puede ayudarte a tener éxito. Logre su pérdida de peso deseada con el correcto pensar en usted mismo. La autoimagen está conectada con el éxito o el fracaso del objetivo que buscas. Haga una lista de todos los pensamientos negativos que tiene sobre usted. Como "No puedo hacerlo", "No podré terminar con éxito", "No estoy lo suficientemente activo", etc. Esté decidido a que nada lo decepcionará. A continuación, enumera los aspectos positivos: los que amas de ti mismo. Esta lista debe ser más larga que la primera. Ahora, para cada cosa negativa enumerada, anote los positivos correspondientes. Al igual que, en lugar de "No puedo", escriba "Puedo". Ahora dilo una y otra vez a ti mismo hasta que ya no tengas esa imagen negativa de ti mismo. Cuelgue la lista de potenciales en un lugar donde a menudo mira. Léelo de vez en cuando. Esto reprogramará sus pensamientos e incorporará una imagen positiva de sí mismo en usted.
Cosas para hacer
Has logrado tu mentalidad correcta. Ahora tienes ciertas cosas que hacer. Deja tu ingesta de calorías. Avid toda la comida chatarra y bebidas carbonatadas. Diga no a cualquier cosa que tenga alto poder calorífico: galletas, refrescos, papas fritas, mantequilla, papas fritas, etc. ¡Cada libra en su peso corporal está compuesta de casi 3500 calorías! Entonces cada ingesta de calorías solo cuenta. Restrinja su consumo de calorías a una cantidad previamente determinada.
Mantenga su barriga llena para que no tenga hambre. Come muchas frutas y verduras. Asegúrese de que las frutas no tengan un alto contenido de azúcar. Tome más alimentos ricos en fibra como frutas, cereales, granos enteros, etc.
¡Haga ejercicio, involúcrese en muchas actividades físicas y manténgase activo! Haga ejercicios aeróbicos intensos y de fuerza. Correr, remar, andar en bicicleta, nadar y caminar son buenos ejercicios que queman calorías rápidamente. Intenta hacer ejercicio vigorosamente. Son más beneficiosos en la reducción de peso que los modulares. Trabaja en áreas específicas que requieren más atención, como hacer abdominales en caso de que tu estómago esté en mal estado. También debe mantener disciplinas estrictas con respecto a los tiempos. Hacer ejercicio cada mañana es mejor que ejercitarse en cualquier otro momento del día. Porque, al amanecer, respirarás aire fresco y rayos de sol matutinos ricos en vitamina D. Para ejercicios de pérdida de peso en casa, aprende y prueba; flexiones, pull ups, sentadillas de peso, step ups, plank y stick ups. Calentar antes de hacer ejercicio te ayudaría a ejercitarte durante un período más prolongado.
Desintoxica tu cuerpo de sustancias potencialmente tóxicas. Existen regímenes dietéticos inofensivos llamados dietas de desintoxicación que tienen efectos desintoxicantes. Es inofensivo según los médicos, dietistas y científicos. Siga una dieta de desintoxicación a base de jugo como la dieta de la limonada. Limpiará su cuerpo y le hará perder peso dentro de un período corto.
Beber mucha agua. Ocho vasos de agua diarios servirán para perder peso al acelerar su metabolismo y garantizar una digestión adecuada. Te mantiene hidratado Un sistema adecuadamente hidratado funciona más rápido. La ingesta de la cantidad adecuada de agua te hace sentir más.
Aumenta tu tasa metabólica. Es una forma simple y sensata de perder peso. Coma varias comidas frecuentes al día. Esto quemará las calorías más rápido.
Dieta galardonada para perder 100 libras
Si realmente quiere bajar de peso, consulte este premiado plan de dieta para perder xx libras en Un mes <- Haga clic aquí. Más de 2 millones de miembros ya han usado esta dieta con gran éxito. También tendrá acceso exclusivo a entrenadores virtuales, dietistas en línea, expertos en acondicionamiento físico, un mentor y un apoyo comunitario de 2 millones de miembros como usted que desean perder peso.

viernes, 1 de diciembre de 2017

How to cure acne quickly and naturally

If you suffer from acne, you should know that you are not alone. Acne is a typical skin problem that occurs when fat and dead skin cells clog the pores. Usually presented on the face, chest, back, shoulders and neck. Acne can be due to many things: hereditary factor, hormonal changes and fat production. There are a number of things you can do to heal yourself of acne quickly and naturally. Learn some techniques of good skin care, improve your diet and test herbal medicines.

Practice Good skin Care

Determine the type of acne you have. There are different treatments for acne according to the severity level of the problem. Most cases of acne are moderate, but severe acne with nodules or deep cysts could cause inflammation and leave scars. This type of acne requires immediate medical attention. 1] 2] [3] Common types of acne include:
White dots (comedones closed): They happen when the dirt or excess of fat (sebum) gets trapped under the surface of the skin, forming a firm lump of white color.
Black dots (open comedones): they arise when the pores open, causing dirt and fat to rise to the surface of the skin. The blackish color comes from oxidation occurring when the air reacts with melanin, a sebum pigment.
Grains (pustules): small acne lesions that form when excess dirt and fat become trapped under the skin, causing inflammation, irritation, swelling, and redness usually with pus. Pus is a thick, yellowish liquid that is composed of leukocytes (white blood cells) and dead bacteria. Pus is usually produced in response to inflammation or infection of the tissues of the body.
Nodules: large, hard and swollen acne buds that are very deep in the skin.
Cysts: painful, pus-filled buds that form in the depths of the skin and can usually leave scars.

Quit smoking. Smoking can cause a medical condition called "Smoker's Acne", where the body does not make an inflammatory response to heal the skin as fast as it would with normal acne. In addition, smokers are four times more likely to have moderate acne after adolescence, especially women who are between 25 and 50 years of age. Smoking cigarettes could also cause skin irritation in people with sensitive skin.
It is also known that smoking causes other skin problems such as wrinkling and premature skin aging. Smoking causes these skin problems by creating free radicals, damaging collagen production and degrading skin proteins. 4]

Avoid touching your face. Dirt and bacteria in your hands can clog your pores and worsen acne if you constantly touch your face. If you feel the skin irritated by acne, use daily facial wipes without oil to remove excess dirt and relieve skin irritation.
Do not squeeze or burst the acne outbreaks, as you will risk scarring. Squeezing a grain could even spread the bacteria to other parts. 5]

Choose a suitable facial cleanser. Use a soapless facial cleanser and free of lauryl sulfate sodium. Sodium lauryl sulfate is a detergent and foaming agent that can cause irritation. Many soapless cleaners come free of aggressive chemicals, contain natural ingredients and are available in most pharmacies. 6] 7] 8] 9]
Using aggressive soaps and rubbing your face can irritate the skin and worsen the acne problem.

Wash frequently. Wash your skin using your fingertips once in the morning and once in the evening. Remember to rinse your skin thoroughly with warm water after washing. Wash only twice a day and every time you sweat. 10] 11] 12] 13]
Sweat can irritate your skin. Wash as soon as possible after sweating.

It uses products suitable for skin care. Apply a moisturizing cream without oils if your skin is dry or you feel itchy. It is only advisable to use an astringent if you have oily skin, and even if so, the astringent should only be applied to the fatty parts. If you want to use a exfoliating product, consult the dermatologist about the best choice for your skin type. 14] 15] 16] 17]
People with non-inflammatory acne, such as white dots and black dots that do not cause redness, may use exfoliating products that are available in most pharmacies. People with dry, sensitive skin should apply the exfoliant only once or twice a week, while people with oily and less sensitive skin may exfoliate once a day.

Eat a healthy diet. Avoid eating meat because they contain hormones and similar substances that could alter hormonal balance and cause acne. Instead, it consumes a lot of fiber, fresh vegetables and fruits. Foods rich in vitamin A, C, E, and zinc can help reduce the severity of acne by the anti-inflammatory properties of your nutrients. Some foods that are good sources of these vitamins are as follows: [18] [19]
Sweet red peppers
Amaranth leaves
Turnip leaves
Pumpkin Anco

Take zinc. Research has shown that a zinc-based oral therapy can help cure acne. 20] [21] Zinc is an essential oligo-element with antioxidant properties. Helps protect cells in the body from damage caused by bacteria and viruses. It is common to have the zinc levels slightly low, but you can get all the zinc you need by taking a multivitamin and eating a healthy diet. Although you can take supplements, the best sources of zinc are: [22]
Oysters, shrimps, crabs and shellfish
Red Meats
Poultry Meat
Sunflower seeds
Cooked-leaf vegetables
Zinc of Easy absorption: zinc picolinate, zinc citrate, zinc acetate, zinc glycerate and zinc Monomethionina. If zinc sulfate causes irritation to your stomach, you can take another form of zinc, such as zinc citrate.

Take more vitamin A. According to certain studies, people who suffer from severe acne may have low levels of vitamin A. Vitamin A is an anti-inflammatory substance that helps to balance hormones and reduce oil production. You can increase your intake of vitamin A by eating a healthy diet and avoiding harmful fats such as margarine, hydrogenated oils and processed food. 23]
Vitamin A is mostly found in carrots, green leafy vegetables, and yellow and orange fruits. If you are taking a vitamin A supplement, the recommended daily dose is 10 000 to 25 000 IU (international units). Ingesting high doses of vitamin A may have toxic side effects, including birth defects, so be careful with the dosage you take.
Consume more Vitamin C. Vitamin C can accelerate the healing process. Vitamin C achieves this effect, in part, because it helps to produce collagen, which is an important protein that serves to heal wounds and repair the tissues of the skin, cartilage, and blood vessels. You can take 2 or 3 doses of vitamin C to reach a total of 500 mg per day. You can also include vitamin C-rich foods in your daily diet. [24] Some natural sources of vitamin C are:
Red or green sweet peppers
Citrus fruits such as orange, grapefruit, limes or non-concentrated citrus juices.
Spinach, broccoli and Brussels sprouts
Strawberries and raspberries

Take some green tea. Drinking green tea is not directly associated with acne prevention. However, green tea contains many antioxidants that have been shown to have anti-aging effects and protect the skin. This can help your skin look fresher and younger. 25] [26] To make green tea, soak 2 or 3 grams of green tea leaves in a cup of hot water (between 80 and 85 ° C) for 3 to 5 minutes. You can have green tea 2 or 3 times a day.
Green tea may also have anti-inflammatory effects that reduce the risk of cancer. Some research has shown that green tea is especially useful to protect the skin from the dangerous radiation of UV rays. 27] 28]

Use tea-tree oil. Tea tree oil is usually used topically to treat acne, wounds, infections and skin lesions. [29] to cure you of acne, it uses a diluted solution of tea-tree oil with a purity of 5 to 15 percent. Pour 2 or 3 drops of the solution into a cotton ball and apply giving small touches on your acne buds.
Never take the tea tree oil orally. You should also avoid leaving it exposed outdoors for a long time. The Tea tree oil when it is oxidized could trigger more allergies than when it is fresh.
Uses jojoba oil. Pour 5 or 6 drops of jojoba oil into a cotton ball and apply by giving small touches on your acne buds. Jojoba oil is an extract from the seeds of the jojoba tree. It is similar to the natural oil (sebum) that produces the skin, but will not clog the pores or cause you an excess of fat. 30]
Jojoba oil will keep your skin hydrated. It usually does not cause irritation, but consult a dermatologist before using it if you have sensitive skin.
Use juniper Oil. Juniper Oil is a natural antiseptic astringent. You can use it as a facial cleanser and as a tonic to clean the clogged pores and treat acne, dermatitis and eczema. [31] Apply 1 or 2 drops of oil with a cotton ball after washing your face.
Avoid using too much juniper oil, but it can cause irritation and worsen your skin problem.

Apply Aloe vera Gel. Apply every day a generous amount of aloe vera gel on the skin. You can get it at most drugstores. Aloe Vera is a very succulent plant with antibacterial properties that are effective for treating acne and reducing inflammation. Aloe Vera prevents bacteria from infecting acne wounds and accelerates the healing process. [32]
Some people may be allergic to aloe vera. If you get a rash, stop using it and consult a doctor.

Use sea salt. Get a sea salt cream or lotion with less than 1% sodium chloride. You can apply it up to 6 times a day for 5 minutes in each application. Studies have shown that marine salt has anti-inflammatory properties, prevents aging and protects the skin from dangerous ultraviolet radiation. You can also use sea salt as a face mask to reduce stress. [33] You can get sea salt or marine salt based products in most pharmacies and stores.
People with mild to moderate acne can safely use marine salt-based products. People with dry, sensitive skin or moderate-to-severe acne should consult a dermatologist before using any salt-based treatment, as they may cause dryness and irritation.

 Find a professional treatment
Think about submitting to a phototherapy. Laser and phototherapy are typical alternative methods for treating acne. Phototherapy uses light to treat inflamed acne lesions, severe nodular acne and cystic acne. [34]
Studies have shown that phototherapy is an effective treatment for most people. Talk to a doctor to determine the best option that suits your own needs.
Performs hormonal therapy. The high levels of androgen activity (hormonal), mainly in women, could cause an excessive production of sebum, which causes acne. [35] sebum also contains fatty acids that promote the development of bacteria that cause acne. Some causes that cause hormonal changes may be puberty, pregnancy, amenorrhea, or changes in medication.
The best way to determine if your acne is due to hormonal changes is to converse with a dermatologist.